When you’re doing everything right but the scale won’t budge, how else can you tell you are losing weight? That’s where tracking non-scale victories can help.
To illustrate what non-scale victories look like, we asked people like you how they knew they were losing weight.
Their responses are inspiring, funny, and fantastically motivating– and they’ll help you to stay on track with your weight loss.
121 Non-Scale Victories: See Fat Loss Without A Scale!
1. I can take my jeans off without unbuttoning them. -Joy D.
2. My son told me that when his friend saw us shopping together the other day, he thought I was his girlfriend. -Olivia G.
3. I had a pair of tall boots that were too tight around my calves, but now I can zip them all the way up and there is room to spare. -Shannon C.
4. I actually took my before pics after weighing in on my scale for the last time until I get to my goal. Honestly, taking the picture scared me because I’m so shy, but the REV Weight Loss Coaches encouraged me to take it to the next level. I’m excited to see changes! -Victoria C.
5. Literally, mine is a non-scale victory–I threw my scale out, lol. (And I’m glad I did.) -Tom W.
6. I didn’t have to buy larger summer clothes for the first time. In fact, last year was my last fat summer. -Kay R.
I’ll take a Venti compliment like that any day!
7. The barista at the coffee shop asked if I had lost weight. He said that I was looking smaller and smaller every day. -Jada W.
8. Over Christmas, everybody asked me if I had lost weight. I told them about Personal Trainer Food and now half of my family is ordering! -Steven H.
9. My grandmother was pretty tiny, they all were back then. I found a cute vintage dress of hers. With little hope that it would fit, I tried it anyways. on just to see. I couldn’t believe it when I was able to zip it up. I have her figure! -Susi M.
10. I tried on a pair of old 501 jeans that I used to wear in college. They fit—and I even found $20 in the pocket! Do $20 bills count as non-scale victories too? -James T.
11. Running into a guy I knew from back in high school—he had to do a double-take when he realized who I was. He dumped me before prom. I could tell he was thinking “dang!” -Chloe G.
12. Someone who hadn’t seen me in a long time said I looked smoking hot! -Scarlett B.
13. My blood pressure is now 120/70. I have been battling high blood pressure for years, so this is major when it comes to non-scale victories. -Victoria V.
This picture makes us think “Boop-Oop-A-Doop!”
14. Can I just say that my husband loves my new little red dress? -Dayna K.
Dayna used REV to achieve amazing weight loss results!
15. My hair dresser said that I had lost so much weight that I needed a whole new hair style. Although I had my doubts, she gave me an adorable pixie cut. I have always wanted this look but never thought I could pull it off! -Tonya E.
16. I actually like looking at myself in the mirror now. -Ted U.
17. My blood sugar was at pre-diabetic levels before starting PTF. Blood sugar readings from the mid 90’s to 120 used to be the norm for me. The last few times I checked, they have been 82, 80, 76. Each of those numbers are huge non-scale victories for me. -Grayson Wells
18. In the store the other day, I tried on some trendy high-waisted pants as a joke to show my daughter. I remember wearing those in the 80’s and if you had big hips like me you looked like a cello in them. When I walked out of the dressing room she immediately said “OMG Mom, you look great!” I thought she was kidding and then I took a look in the mirror. I wish I looked this good in the 80’s! -Jennifer A.
19. I was able to say no when co-workers suggested we go get some ice cream. -Teresa M.
In our book, this scale can always move up!
20. My boss is asking me how I lost the weight. I wonder if he will give me a raise when I tell him my secret is Personal Trainer Food? – David G.
21. I’m back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Buh-bye maternity clothes. – Melinda C.
22. Seeing my abs! — Texas Deputy Manny Torres, used PTF to get his abs back.
23. Increasing my push-ups this week. Yes! -Jim Z.
24. I had to get fitted for a wedding and walked into my usual Big and Tall store; I dread that. But after I finally dragged myself in they didn’t have my size. I can shop in normal stores now! -Nathan S.
25. The best of my non-scale victories: I finally made the connection that food fuels my body, not my happiness. On a scale of 1-10, I’m a 100! -Maria H.
26. I’m not hungry all the time. I used to feel hungry right after eating and then would eat again. It’s nice to not have to think about food every few minutes. -Sheila T.
You can overnight ship 4 sizes down? Bonus!
27. I ordered a dress online and was sent the wrong size. I’m a 12 and they sent a size 8. It fit! -Jamie T.
28. I’ve had so many non-scale victories since I started. But yesterday I got the most important one– someone commented about how happy I look. I feel wonderful too. -Vanessa S.
29. I’m in the next size down scrubs. -Fatima M.
30. Fitting into a “one size fits all” for the first time. -Janet D.
31. I was able to pick out some clothes from the misses section. -Nikki G.
32. My skinny jeans are now my baggy boyfriend jeans. -Michelle F.
Rock the beach your way!
33. I’m not hiding from the camera anymore. Now I’m in all my family pictures and I’m even letting people tag me. -Kathie L.
34. The other day, I wore a swim suit without a skirt or shorts. -Tammy V.
35. I have two non-scale victories: I have a waist again, and I can even see some abs peeking out! -Bryan C.
36. I feel 100 times better now that I have lost the weight — physically, emotionally, mentally, everything for me has improved. -Sonay S.
Sonay shocked everyone with the results she got using REV.
37. Dropped an “X” off my shirt size! -Subeer S.
38. I had an expensive dress I bought on sale but it was too small in the waist when I got it home. The other day one of my non-scale victories was finally popping the tag. -Katia H.

39. I could barely walk around the block in 20 minutes. Now I can walk a few miles at a time. — Chrumaine C. used REV to lose over 28 pounds!
40. My tummy no longer sticks out past my breasts in my profile. -Julie S.
Now get out there and get PLUS on life!
41. No more plus-size shopping! -Luis V.
42. I can wrap a bath towel around me now and nothing peeks out. -Ava L.
43. This is really embarrassing…I was wearing my favorite pair of sweats and headed out to the grocery store. My underwear fell down while I was walking around. I had to discreetly hike them up so I could walk properly. Needless to say, my next errand was to pick up some new underwear. -Emmy M.
45. Not having to pull my tops back down when I stand up. -Natalia Z.
46. Looking horrible in work clothes because they are so big! -Noah B.
47. Just realized that I don’t wear most of the clothes in my closet any more. I look like a clown in them. -Brook C.
48. I donated all my fat clothes (and my scale) to charity today. It is my commitment to myself. I’m never going back! -Jacob S.
49. Freakiest of all my non-scale victories– I didn’t recognize myself in photos I was tagged in! -Scott T.
50.I caught a reflection of myself in the mirror and totally freaked out. I was like Whoa, who is that stranger in my house?! -Kira K.
51. I put on an old summer dress and started looking for a sweater to cover my upper arms. I stopped to look at my reflection in the mirror. My arms aren’t as big as they used to be! I didn’t bother with the sweater. -Pam S.
Her jeans aren’t defective any more?
52. A pair of defective jeans turned into one of my recent non-scale victories. I had this pair of jeans that wouldn’t pull up past my thighs. Don’t ask me why I kept them; I just thought they were defective and that’s why they were on sale. I put them on yesterday—my thighs are so skinny now! -Tony C.
53. The other day this friend with an AMAZING body told me I look great. -Aaliyah H.
54. I look forward to my two vegetable REV “salad” dinners. -Samantha O.
55. Didn’t miss a single day of eating right on my program. That’s a major accomplishment for me! -Sebastian I.
56. I set a goal to drink two liters of water today. I did it. -Jessi S.
57. As far as non-scale victories go, I know this is considered ‘small’ but I got all my 20-minute walks in for this week. I almost talked myself out of them but I’m so glad I was able to silence that devil on my shoulder. -Carter U.
58. One of my first non-scale victories came when I realized that I didn’t die from not eating during my 48 hour fast. -Carmen M.
That’s called ‘owning it.’
59. That moment when I walked into my class reunion after losing the weight. -Stella A.
60. I walked past my favorite bakery today and enjoyed the smell of fresh pastries baking… despite that temptation I kept on walking by. -Andrew T.
61. Someone told one of my friends that she saw my husband with another woman at a restaurant last week. That other woman was me! -Arianna K.
62. My new nickname at work is “Skinny Minnie.” -Bonita C.
63. My watch is loose like a bracelet, it’s on its last link. -Ben P.
64. I finally had to have all my suits taken in. It cost me a ton of money, but I’m ok with that. Especially since wife says I look like James Bond in my newly tailored suits, lol. -Samuel M.
65. Now my button down shirts stay tucked in. -Jackson D.
66. With PTF, I’ve noticed how much better my body is functioning now. Especially without the extra weight, I feel much more confident now. -Cameron M.
Weight loss isn’t just skin deep.
67. Today I got my blood work back and the results are fantastic! -Avelino G. used PTF to lose over 52 pounds and reversed his pre-diabetes at the same time, too!
68. My doctor said that I am no longer classified as overweight. I’m so happy, we want to start a family soon and a healthy pregnancy is important to me. -Alison C.
69. When you asked about my non-scale victories, it made me realize that I haven’t had any back pain since I started my program. -Jack M.
70. Not sure why, but I haven’t had any migraines during my program. I usually get one a week. I’ll take it. -Margie B.
71. When I wave good-bye, my upper arms don’t do that “thing” any more. -Melanie D.
It’s seeing little things, like your feet…
72. One of my non-scale victories: I was able to paint my toenails without struggling for breath. -Elaine V.
73. Now when I cross my legs my foot doesn’t pop up to the side. -Evie G.
74. I can see my feet again. -John S.
75. I’ve decided to start shopping at the thrift store to save money on clothes until I get to my goal weight (it’s actually kind of fun!). Then I’m splurging on a brand new wardrobe. -Brad T.
76. I was actually looking forward to going shopping for a new bikini for my girlfriends Vegas trip. As a matter of fact, I’m excited to show it off! -Shonda G.
77. Even my sandals are fitting better! Now my feet aren’t bulging through the straps. -Sandy S.
78. My mother-in-law told me I didn’t need to lose any more weight. She always has something to complain about, but I will count that as a compliment. -Anna V.
We’ll keep your little secret!
79. Sshhhhh…don’t tell her I said this, but now I look younger than my youngest sister. -Jayne S.
80. I thought I might be able to wear my favorite shirt by the end of my program. I fit in it after just two weeks. Henry H.
81. Seeing dimples in my smiling face. -Elena C.
82. Cheekbones! -Sarah H.
83. Ankle bones– I can see my ankle bones! They are so cute! -Naomi R.
84. I sat down on my boyfriend’s lap and he laughed “ouch, your butt is bony now!” -Jazmine Y.
85. I put on my favorite necklace and noticed how it hung nicer than it ever has because I lost weight around my neck and collar bone. -Faith B.
86. The other day I realized that I don’t have to adjust my seatbelt to sit comfortably on my tummy. It actually sits right at my hip bones and stays there as I drive. -Robert A.
How to get out of a speeding ticket…
87. The officer who pulled me over for speeding told me that I needed to get a new license. My picture didn’t look at all like me, and the weight was wrong. I explained to him that I had lost over 80 pounds. Impressed, he told me “next time stick to the speed limit around here” and let me off. -Matt C.
88. I flew on a plane for the first time in years. After buckling the belt I had to keep cinching, and cinching, and cinching until it was tight enough around me. -Ruby M.
89. Now that I have lost the weight I feel amazing! I am comfortable in my own skin and shopping for clothes is something I can actually enjoy! My advice for people looking to lose a lot of weight is to ignore the scale, and stay focused on your non-scale victores instead. Trust that everything you are doing to improve yourself is working, whether you see it on the scale or not. -Amanda G. used REV to get to her goal.
Click on the picture above to get REV– and to your goal weight like Amanda!
90. I really wanted to buy this beautiful dress at the store yesterday. My size and the next size down were not available. I was sad but I pulled that teeny neeny size anyways. The dress looked so small. But when I put it on it fit perfectly! -Nadia T.
90. I tried on my wedding dress for the first time in 11 years. It was so big that the shoulders kept falling down. -Janelle T.
91. I can’t see the cellulite on the back of my thighs any more. -Faith D.
So is that like losing 66 pounds?
92. During my program, I was diagnosed with lupus and put on steroids. My doctor told me that I would probably gain about 30-40 pounds. But instead, I LOST 36.8 pounds! Is that like losing a total of 76.8? Either way, my doctor says I need to keep doing what I am doing. -Chantal J. chose REV to lose weight and beat the odds.
These results speak for themselves. Get started on your program today!
93. I went out to a buffet with my friends last night. They piled their plates high with mashed potatoes, bread, pizza slices. Then they had huge bowls of self-serve ice cream with all the toppings. I stuck to the roast beef and broccoli (and actually enjoyed it). Afterwards they all talked about how gross they felt. I don’t miss how that feels! -Brandy C.
Ha! Don’t you love the look on their faces when you say that…
94. Being able to eat cheese and even a 16-ounce steak and still losing weight! Nobody believes me! Todd J.
95. For the first time, it’s nice to eat without feeling guilty. -Kerri N.
96. I stepped on the scale backwards at my checkup and told my doctor not to reveal my weight. When I got off, he was inspired by my weight loss that he started asking about Personal Trainer Food. -Jack D.
97. After just four weeks, I’m experiencing the other side of life: feeling frumpy in clothes that are now too big; how’s that for non-scale victories, lol! — Dr. Mo R. tried REV and lost over 32 pounds!
Do you want results like Dr. Mo? REV comes with one on one Weight Loss Coaching, too! Order yours today!
98. At the end of my program, I noticed how much my rear had become firmer and rounder rather than loose and hanging. -Betsy S.
99. My wedding ring is so loose I am afraid it is going to slip off my finger but I’m not going to re-size it until I get to my goal. -Jessica P.
It’s all in the jeans…
100. No more mom jeans! -Cherie M.
101. Early this morning, I pulled a pair of jeans out of the dryer and put them on. My daughter saw me and said “mom, why are you wearing my jeans?” I’m the same size as her now! -Joan B.
102. I wore white pants for the first time in my life. I totally rocked them. If I had stepped on my scale before putting them on, I know I wouldn’t have felt the same. Throw your scale out and watch those non-scale victories, trust me! -Chandra M.
103. Time for a new goal– I fit into my goal pants. -Stephen S.
104. After having two beautiful kids, I don’t care about perfection as much as I care about getting back to normal. Now I’m nearly back in my normal jean size. -Rose V.
105. The other day, I went to a birthday party. Cake frosting is my thing. I am so proud of myself for not caving in. Not going to lie though—it was hard to watch everyone eating cake. -Sadie M.
106. My non scale victory? I just realized that I am not craving sweets anymore. -Maureen S.
107. My husband brought home some of my favorite candy when I started my program. In spite of this, I didn’t sneak into his stash once. -Mary S.
Cheers, Nick!
108. Honestly, I didn’t know how I was going to go without alcohol. I love beer, it’s a thing with me and my buddies. Today was the first day I didn’t even think about having a beer after work. -Nick P.
109. This weekend, I took the kids to a theme park. It was so much fun, I had enough energy to keep up with them. –Frank Herring works in our warehouse and loves our 3 Meals a Day Plan.
110.When I first started PTF I thought doing just five burpees was going to kill me. They are tough! Now I love them. Best exercise ever. -Brian M.
111. My husband hugged me and realized that he could completely wrap his arms around me. No more T-Rex hugs! -Bri T.
And then you have the no-pants crowd…
112. I can’t find anything to wear. I’m going to have to do something about that before people call the police… -Kevin G.
113. At work, I had to use a co-worker’s stapler to staple the waistband of my trousers. The fabric kept bunching up or hanging under my belt. I guess those are headed to the Salvation Army now. -Stephen A.
114. My shorts don’t ride up between my thighs when I walk. Now I don’t have to tug them down every few steps. That was really annoying! -Tracey M.
115. I forgot to put my belt on this morning and walked out the door. I ended up having to use my lunch break to buy a new belt so I wouldn’t have to hold my pants up for the rest of the day. -Brice W.
116. Oh wow– I just noticed that my bra doesn’t rub at my armpit any more. That little bulge of skin is gone! -Joan S.
117. I went to the mall and got three different sizes in jeans. I went into the dressing room and I put on the first pair and they were parachute pants. Next, I put on the second pair and they were still too big. Then I put on the third pair and they fit perfect and it was a one-digit number. I just cried. -Niki Thomas, Personal Trainer Food Weight Loss Coach
See what else Niki is grateful for by watching this video…
118. Peace is one of my non-scale victories. I have come to realize that this is NOT A DIET. It’s a way of life. My way of life–and a scale can’t change how I feel about myself anymore. -Charlee D.
That’s weight loss x2!
119. I’m proud of my husband. He started Personal Trainer Food to support my weight loss journey. With everything he has learned from the Guidelines and talking with the Weight Loss Coaches, now he is pushing both of us to live healthier lives. He is my cheerleader. I love him so much. -Annette B.
120. My son, who just came home from his tour told me that I inspired him. I immediately started crying– because he is my hero. -Trudy H.
121. Abs at age 52! –Mike Starks, CEO Personal Trainer Food
But today, my greatest non-scale victory is you. Hearing stories like this from customers like you.
It is such an honor to be able to follow my passion which is to help America get back to simplicity in weight loss and feel great in the process.
I am truly thankful for you.
Personal Trainer Food gives you delicious, already-cooked meals that contain no hidden sugars — and little to no grains. Our meal plans are designed to help you lose weight naturally– with no more scale frustration. Just heat and eat. Done!
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About the Writer: 100 pounds ago, Jan knew what it is like to be obese, unhappy, and stuck. She has spent the last 17 years as a fitness writer, trainer, yoga teacher, and Weight Loss Coach. Today, she’s proud to be a part of the Personal Trainer Food team so she can continue her goal to help others live their fullest lives possible. Email [email protected] if you have any questions!
Offer applicable for 30% off any of our meal plans. Use code SAVE30 at checkout to receive offer. May not be combined with other offers.
Weight loss results not guaranteed and are based on various factors. Copyright © 2021 Personal Trainer Food, All rights reserved.
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